Yoga Classes - Glenageary Lawn Tennis Club
Monday 7pm, Tuesday Mens Yoga 7pm, Thursday 9 am GLTC
All notifications / updates via WhatsApp or email
Yoga is one of the oldest known methods of harmonizing the body, mind and spirit.
Whether you want an flexible fitness programme, a gentle form of movement, a spiritual experience or a sense of self-being, there are plenty of reasons to take up yoga right now. In addition the practice of breathing, meditation and mindful movement is scientifically proven to lower heart rate, increase energy with significant mental health benefit. Classes are level 1-2 and suitable for beginners.

Yoga Class - GLTC
Drop in: €16.00
5 Class Card: €65 (valid for 3 months)
10 Class Card: €130 (valid for 5 months)
If you would like to join the Yoga Class – Please fill in the Contact Form – BOOKING REQUIRED
Payment via Revolut or direct via Iban.
Glenageary Tennis Club, Silchester Road, Glenageary
One to One Beginner Classes
One to One beginner classes available on request. Spaces are limited so best to book a place by text on (086) 8363987. I can then add you to the WhatsApp group for any further notifications. Working with the body to achieve optimal alignment can also help you to perform and move more fluidly in any sport whether is running, cycling, football, tennis, horse riding etc. In addition the practice of breathing, meditation and mindfulness is scientifically proven to lower heart rate, increase energy with significant mental health benefits.
New to Yoga
If you are new to yoga and would like to try out the class there is an introductory trial drop in class rate of €16