Executive & Personal Coaching Services

Coaching adheres to the International Coaching Federation standards code of ethics. The coaching relationship is always confidential allowing the space and time for self-exploration and clarification

When work and life co-exist seamlessly and balance is maintained you are living skilfully. When you feel fulfilled, challenged and can tap into your gifts and talents you are living skilfully and those around you feel it too. It’s worth striving for.

Executive Coaching Services

Covers Career Planning, Career Transition, Interview Skills, Sales Coaching and Voice Coaching.

Career Planning & Career Transition

Working with clients to explore existing and new career options and possibilities, identify key goals and create a career plan

Personal / Life Coaching

Focuses on strengthening the individual so that the client is able to perform at his or her best, personally and professionally.

To Book Yoga Class

or to find out more about Skillful Living Yoga Classes please contact Aoife at (086) 836 3987