5 Reasons why now is the time to start an at home Yoga Practice – Create a special place

It took me many years after my first yoga class to begin my home practice.  When I was doing my teacher training back in 2012 I volunteered to complete my Karma Yoga by arriving early and staying late after class to clean the yoga room, empty the bins and sweep the floors.  I remember when winter came regretting this commitment as the days grew darker and colder and I was always the last to leave for home.  

I never appreciated the subtle benefits until I read Donna Farhi’s guide to preparing for your practice and creating a practice space, she said that “each time your practice in a special place it grows in power such that others may even comment on the calm and peaceful feeling they have when they are in your special place” 

This article in Yoga Alliance Professionals gives a few tips on how to do this.
Read article by clicking this link.